
ESMA GRADUATION SHOW 2024: A look back at 3 intense days

esma 2024 jury 3d
  • date 10.09.2024
  • type News
  • Formation CG Animation & FX

September 2024 marked a decisive moment for the 3D Animation students in their final year. After four intense years of work, the class of 2024 in 3D Animation and Special Effects presented their graduation films at the ESMA Graduation Show 2024.
This three-day event, organised in Montpellier, brought together the 3D4 students, as well as their families, industry professionals and the teaching and educational teams of the course to celebrate the culmination of their training and their entry into the professional world.
Here's a look back at this exceptional event, which shone the spotlight on promising talents and marked the culmination of their careers.

An exceptional event for a talented class

After four years of intense learning at ESMA, the students have finally unveiled their final films, which they have been working on for a year. It’s a moment of great importance for them: every detail, from scriptwriting to post-production, has been meticulously honed to deliver original and technically impressive works. Classes from the Nantes, Lyon and Toulouse campuses joined the Montpellier campus for this event, making the Mediterranean city the centre of this celebration. The scale of the event is testament not only to the excellence of the training, but also to the dedication of these young creators to their art.

Day one: welcome to the studios!

The ESMA Graduation Show 2024 kicked off with a special day dedicated to industry professionals. The Montpellier campus welcomed representatives from internationally renowned animation and special effects studios, who came to preview the 32 student films. This prestigious jury, made up of leading figures from the industry, took care to evaluate each project according to precise criteria: script, originality, creativity, technical quality, and many other aspects.

Among the studios present were big names such as Illumination, Netflix, Ubisoft, Fortiche, The Yard VFX, and DNEG, to name but a few.

The judging of the films began on the day, with each project analysed from different angles, from mastery of special effects to narrative innovation. This direct contact with the professional world embodies one of the fundamental aspects of ESMA: offering its students opportunities to get noticed by the major players in the animation and visual effects industry.

les juryx2 esma 3d

Second day: emotion on the big screen

The second day of the event was undoubtedly the most emotional for the students. The films were shown on the big screen at the prestigious Gaumont Odysséum cinema in Montpellier, which had been privatised for the occasion. Four whole theatres were reserved for the event, giving the students an unforgettable opportunity to share their creations with their families and friends. This screening in a real cinema is the culmination of several years’ work, and for many, it is a crowning achievement to see their work come to life before the eyes of a large audience.

The afternoon was followed by a gala evening, a festive occasion for the students to celebrate the end of their journey together. After the juries had deliberated, the awards ceremony took place. Several films won awards for their excellence:

  • 1st Prize: Trash (@trash_esma)
  • 2nd Prize: Reven (@reven_shortmovie)
  • Joint 3rd Prize: Sleeping with the Fishes (@sleepingwiththefishes_movie) and Cartagène (
  • Jury’s Favourite: Tricot de Corps (@tricotdecorps_shortmovie) and Dawn (@dawn_short_movie)
  • Audience favourite: Le Meles (@le_meles_movie)

The awards showcased films from a wide range of daring backgrounds, proving the creative richness of this year’s promotion. The emotion was palpable among the winners and their teams, who saw their efforts rewarded in the most beautiful of ways.

étudiants graduation esma 3d 2024
convivialité esma 3d 2024
étudiants film l'armure

Day three: the Job Fair, a gateway to the future

The third and final day of the event was devoted to the Job Fair, a key moment for young graduates. It was during this day that ESMA’s talents had the opportunity to meet recruiters from the biggest animation and special effects studios.

A system of appointments, set up via a dedicated website, enabled a considerable number of interviews to be organised throughout the day. These meetings provide a first opportunity for students to take their first steps in the professional world, by presenting their portfolios and CVs and receiving sound advice.

The day is a real launch pad for many students, who can make decisive contacts for their future careers.

sourire studio job fair esma 3d 2024
studio job fair

Congratulations to the class of 2024

The ESMA Graduation Show 2024 was a real success. Students from the graduating class demonstrated boundless creativity and impressive technical mastery, two essential qualities for breaking into the field of 3D animation and special effects.

ESMA warmly congratulates the entire 3D 2024 class for their commitment, dedication and the quality of the films presented. We wish them all the best for the rest of their careers, and are convinced that they will leave their mark on the world of animation and special effects.

We look forward to following their future successes!

étudiants graduation esma 3d
étudiants jury 3d

To relive this unique event, watch the video on our YouTube channel :