
Bloom methodology

You are the future of the cultural and creative industries

To help our students find their way, determine their career plans and develop the skills they need to find the best possible job.

This is the commitment of ESMA, and more generally of the Ecoles Créatives, which naturally wanted to give concrete expression to this ambition in the form ofa dedicated scheme:Bloom.

Professionals capable of meeting the challenges of tomorrow

It has multiple objectives. Bloom is first and foremost a teaching tool, designed to enable students to develop behavioural skills that will be useful in their future careers, to become aware of them and to put them into practice in a concrete teaching context, and then in a professional environment.

It also aims to encourage autonomy and initiative among students, preparing them to solve complex problems and collaborate effectively in diverse teams.

Bloom goes even further

By helping students to question societal issues and adopt a professional stance that is open to the challenges of corporate environmental and social responsibility in the context of their future activity, this programme aims to train committed players and future creative talents who are capable of understanding and responding to contemporary challenges with a critical and innovative perspective.

Cultivating students’ civic awareness and social responsibility prepares them to have a positive impact on their working environment, and to take on responsibilities with commitment and ethics throughout their careers.

How does the Bloom scheme work?

The 3 Bloom objectives

With the aim of preparing students for their future careers and helping them to succeed, the Bloom scheme has three main strands to provide comprehensive, structured support:

  • Blossoming and living well together

    The primary objectives of Bloom’s pedagogy are to promote students’ well-being, to encourage them to live well together, and to develop their capacity for collaboration and empathy.

    The programme is based on a better understanding of oneself and of others, a greater awareness of the responsibilities of each individual, both as a student and as a citizen, and an awareness of contemporary social, economic and environmental issues.

    A compendium of essential skills for personal and professional life.

  • Se former aux métiers du design graphique

    Behavioural skills, the keystone of the system

    What is the point of developing behavioural skills? What are my strengths as a student? What soft skills are generally sought after by companies in my target sector? How can these qualities make me a successful professional?

    These are just some of the questions and avenues that students are encouraged to explore in real-life situations, so that they can adopt an appropriate professional stance and become aware of the key issues that will shape their future careers.

  • Building a career plan

    By developing a comprehensive culture of the Cultural & Creative Industries, integrating the processes inherent in a creative professional environment, meeting key players in the sector, questioning current issues and challenges, and clarifying their career aspirations over the years.

    Students develop a solid, relevant project that will help them to become more employable and fulfilled in their future professional lives.

Bloom's teaching tools

On the ground, these three objectives are reflected in the implementation of four distinct tools with complementary objectives:

  • The creation of a behavioural skills guide

    Adapted to the professions in the Cultural & Creative Industries, this handbook is a veritable vademecum for navigating effectively in the culture of this sector, and the soft-skills specifically favoured by recruiters.

    Written in collaboration with the professional partners of ESMA and the Ecoles Créatives, this guide is an ideal support for students, who can refer to it throughout their studies and careers.

  • Passport Bloom, a real common thread

    This tool has been designed to support students from their first to their last year of study, enabling them to gradually identify the skills they have acquired, how they are developing and the assets they can build on in their search for work placements and jobs.

    The Bloom Passport is a central element of the Bloom programme, which students can use in a practical and efficient way.

  • The Alumni Platform: a comprehensive, secure and collaborative system

    This new digital community tool – open to alumni, current students, teachers and professional partners of the Écoles Créatives – makes it easier to put all the players in touch with each other, and helps students find employment.

    The tool’s features include a directory, job offers tailored to each student’s profile, and a mentoring system aimed at sponsoring students in the course of their studies or at the start of their professional integration, so that they can benefit from the advice and comments of former students..

    The idea? To encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience, and to strengthen links within the Creative Schools community.

    Alumni network

Regular meetings between professionals, alumni and students

By laying the foundations of their professional network through meetings on our campuses, ESMA prepares its students for professional integration. They take advantage of professional or festive events to develop their address book, make companies aware of their assets and seize their opportunities.

With the introduction of the Bloom programme, ESMA is strengthening its commitment to preparing future leaders in the creative industries, turning them into seasoned, high-performance professionals capable of integrating into a demanding and innovative environment.

These are also the citizens of tomorrow who will emerge from the school’s ranks, and the players in a constantly evolving society, faced with extremely dynamic issues such as digital transformation, environmental sustainability and cultural diversity.

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