
Becoming Graphic Designer

  • Formation Graphic Design

In today’s society, where image plays a prominent role, the graphic designer is a very sought-after profession. A lot of creativity, a solid expertise and the ability to keep abreast of new trends are all necessary assets to become a graphic designer.

Fulfilling a need for visual communication

More precisely, the graphic designer works with individuals or companies in order to help them with their visual communication needs. He can provide his expertise on both print and digital projects. His job consists in suggesting ideas and expressing them visually.

The graphic designer can elaborate a whole new corporate identity, or simply focus on more operational communication projects. In the first case, his mission will consist in submitting a logo, a slogan and a graphic charter. In the second case, the graphic designer will be in charge of the reflection and creation of advertising campaigns, website redesign or even brochures.

Understanding the brand’s identity

In his working process, the graphic designer must fully integrate the brand identity, analyze the client’s request, and finally propose appropriate orientations for his visual communication. The graphic designer is also able to elaborate a more global reflection on the brand image, for example.

In short, he uses his art to serve a message. As for his responsibilities, they vary from one designer to another, depending on his experience and the size of the company he works for.