
ESMA: 1st Animation & FX school in France, and 5th in the world!

  • date 09.11.2019
  • type News
  • Formation CG Animation & FX

The famous platform dedicated to digital artists, especially in the direction of CG animation and FX, has just published its annual ranking of the best schools in the world. Once again, ESMA ranks among the best in the CG animation and FX categories!

It has now become a tradition. Every year in September, all the world’s schools look forward to the verdict of The Rookies platform.

For almost 6 years now that the website has existed, it has been able to position itself as the essential reference for students and young professionals around the world. Works and tutorials are shared regularly and competitions are organized throughout the year. This year, our second-year student Loïc Lemoine was one of the three finalists in the « Studio Internships » category, winning an internship to be conducted in the Imagine Engine studio in Canada.

Discover below our ranking:


  • ESMA ranked 6th best CG animation school in the world.


  • ESMA ranked 5th best FX school in the world.


We are particularly proud of this fact, in these rankings, we are twice the first of the French schools! And at the European level, we are the first school in the FX category and the second in the CG Animation Cinema category!

In order to assess the implications of this ranking, it should be noted that in all, more than 3,500 students from 500 schools in 89 countries participated. This represents more than 38,800 jobs that have been sent to The Rookies! And to evaluate this mass of projects, the jury – which was composed of more than 120 professionals in the field – had to rate them according to the following criteria:

  • creativity,
  • technicality,
  • the presentation,
  • the panel of skills used for a rendering,
  • the complexity of the work,
  • the raw talent,
  • the potential for use.

Once again, to achieve this result, all the bodies that make up ESMA must be congratulated for their commitment, whether it is the students for their work and the quality they demonstrate, the professors and the teaching teams for their investment.

Congratulations to all of you, we are proud of these results!

Certificat The Rookies

Diplôme 2019 de The Rookies décerné à l'ESMA en tant que 10 meilleure école d'effets visuels au monde