
Video Game : a week of immersion for students

  • date 05.06.2024
  • type Conférences
  • campus Montpellier
  • Formation Video Game

April was a particularly intense month for students in ESMA's Game Design section, who had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the professional reality of video game design.

Sharing experience is the key

Students in the 1st year of ESMA’s Video Game course enjoyed a week rich in discovery and learning, thanks to the contributions of professionals from the video game and animation industries who came to share their experience.

The festivities began on Tuesday 2 April, with a conference hosted by Jean-Philippe Caro, CEO of the independent video game studio Fantastic Lombric, who focused on the history of video games and game design, providing tomorrow’s talents with invaluable knowledge in this field.

An “Ubisoft” day

On Thursday 4 April, professionals from the Ubisoft studio took part in a day of captivating talks, sharing their expertise on a range of crucial topics in video game development and giving students an in-depth insight into the different aspects of the creative process. The talks – led by Ludovic Comba (Tech Artist), Paolo Dupuy (Level Artist), Erwan Roudaut and Adrien Dourgnon (Project Coordinator), Bastien Nanceau and Mathias Rolland (Gameplay Programmers), Damien Contreras (Assistant Animation Supervisor), and Matthieu Croset and Bruce Nguyen (Animators) – covered such topics as:

  • the creation of virtual environments,
  • tech art,
  • project management,
  • gameplay programming
  • and animation.

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At the end of this intense day, the school organised a convivial afterwork, bringing together students, teachers and speakers from Ubisoft as well as representatives from other studios specialising in video game creation, including Okashi Games, Vertex, Exalted Studio, Dear Valid People, Menhir FX, DigixArt, Nacon Midgar Studio, Smart Tale Games, Pixel Almost Perfect, Amanclo Video Games, Build The Light, Umeshu Lovers and Dwarf Animation Studio.

To round off the event, a refresher session on Unity programming was organised on Friday 5 April, with Jean Manzoni, Game & Level Designer at Blue Rose Team, who shared his expertise on the advanced use of the tool.

It was an exciting and friendly week, at the end of which the students left enriched by new knowledge, strengthened by quality professional contacts and with an unfailing motivation to continue their career in the world of video games.

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