
Workshop Concept Art with Morgan Prost

  • date 05.10.2023
  • type News
  • campus Montpellier
  • Formation Concept Art Illustration

Third-year Concept Art Illustration students from Montpellier took part in a two-day Concept Art workshop led by Morgan Prost, an illustrator and Concept Artist whose work on the Matt Lamite comic strip has been widely acclaimed.

Morgan Prost vis dev/concept artist, freelance illustrateur has worked for Wardenlight studio, Sony, Submarine Studio, Ghost Story Games, Ubisoft, Netflix and of course Disney. He is the colourist on the Matt Lamite comic strip, published in Mickey Parade Géant and Super Picsou Géant, illustrated and scripted by Aré.

Since 2012 he has been designing covers for Le journal de Mickey and Mickey Parade Géant and its special issues.
Il réalise depuis 2012 des couvertures pour Le Journal de Mickey et Mickey Parade Géant et ses Hors-séries.

Work PROCESS (using 3D to serve 2D)

He began his talk to our third-year ICA students by talking about a rich career, with a particular focus on “the various obstacles I have encountered in my artistic career” during the first morning.

He then presented his working process (using 3D to enhance 2D).

– Digital painting : study of a photo (1h30/2h) with a reduced palette of tools, the aim being to synthesise the shapes for a graphic rendering (with a real-time demo while the students were working).

“Then in the afternoon, I provided the students with a work brief (similar to those I may have), creating an environment (interior). 

Research and organisation of references, first 2D sketches and/or 3D blockout”. 


A theorietical course on composition

On the second day, in the morning, the students took another look at digital painting with Morgan Prost, based on a study of a photo (1h30/2h) with a reduced palette of tools. The aim was to synthesise the shapes for a graphic rendering (with a real-time demo as the students worked).
Next, Morgan Prost offered a theoretical course on composition, “how to make an image dynamic / interesting”, before discussing the language of shapes and their importance for effective composition.

The final half-day was devoted to the application of photo studies, “breaking down and synthesising elements with simple shapes”. There was a real-time demonstration while the students worked, before concluding with further work on the previous day’s brief.

All in all, two highly formative days for our ICA students, who will be able to put Morgan Prost’s sound advice to good use as they enter the professional world.


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