
Professional cycles

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Choose the course that's right for you

professional certifications and rncp titles

Make sure you have the career you want

Courses recognised and certified by leading professional bodies

ESMA’s courses lead to professional qualifications that are recognised by the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles). The professional skills acquired during your course are validated and officially recognised as meeting the needs of the job market. So what are you waiting for?

what are the advantages
of rncp certification?

  • How are assessments carried out?

    Assessments during the final year of the course are used to validate the RNCP qualification (certification and/or continuous assessment).

    The main assessments are simulated work situations, individual or team projects, written presentations and oral exams.

  • How do you validate your certification?

    To obtain certification, a candidate must validate all the skill blocks, as well as all the procedures for each block, with a minimum score of 50/100.

    The candidate’s attendance is also taken into account in obtaining certification.

  • Diploma award

    The student’s file is submitted to a certification panel for assessment in accordance with France Compétences’ expectations.

    If successful, the student receives a secure parchment (via a platform) within 15 days of assessment. If they are only partially successful, they will receive a certificate for each block of skills validated.

what next?

Have you become a leader in the cultural and creative industries?

France Compétences has introduced a number of obligations to monitor holders of qualifications, in order to measure their impact on graduates’ careers.

Professional integration survey: once certified, you must respond to surveys on your professional integration at various times, in particular within 6 months of receiving your diploma. These surveys collect data on your professional situation, your career path and your post-certification satisfaction.

Communication of information: you must also regularly provide precise information about your professional situation (job, pay, career development). How has the certification of your course at ESMA impacted your personal development and your career?

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